Saturday, August 14, 2010

thanks to Tommy's in Cleveland Heights and Midwest Box for Fundred help!

Special shout out to Tommy's in Cleveland Heights for the delicious food they hooked us up for our Cleveland Fundred Kick-off event at CIA's VAT Coventry Center (1854 Coventry Rd. - upper level).

Also thanks to Midwest Box Company for donating boxes to make it easier for people to make take-away Fundred Stations.

Midwest Box Comapny
9801 Walford Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102-4788
(216) 281-3980

We'll be posting pics and updates on the ACT-C blog

Thanks to everyone who came out and if you want to participate go to ACT-C or the Fundred Site, just click on "Get Involved Now" ... you don't need us to participate!

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